- 请求退款
sorry to bother you I am not very satisfied with this VPS I would like to request a refund
- 付款以后VPS没开通
I have paid the bill But the service is still not activated Can you help me check it
- 后台操作卡在”Task in progress”
It shows “Task in progress ”several hours When I reinstall the system (重装系统) When I Migrate to another DC (更换数据中心) When I Create Snapshot (创建快照)
- IP ping超时
The IP ping timeout in most areas of China It may be GFW blocked it Can you help me get a new IP ?
- 购买BandwagonHost VPS付款后出现PENDING状态
my PAYPAL serial number is XXXXXXXXX(填写paypal支付流水号), I have already pay to complete, but the VPS is not active, please check it for me, thank you.
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