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2019年 搬瓦工VPS各种套餐CPU使用限制的说明


搬瓦工的VPS允许CPU突发高负载,但是1小时的平均负载不能超过限制值,(TOS原文:We allow to max out CPU for short periods of time. However, please make sure that 1-hour average CPU load does not exceed the following levels:)具体的限定值如下:

首先, 几款特价套餐:

2018-11-11 CN2 Special V3 plan: 50% of 1 core

2018 Black Friday CN2 Special V3 plan: 25% of 1 core

2018 Black Friday CN2 GIA Special V3 plan: 25% of 1 core

2018 Cyber Monday Special V3 plan: 50% of 1 core

2018-12-12 CN2 DC8 Special V3 plan: 25% of 1 core

其次, CN2 GIA的套餐CPU限制:

V3 CN2GIA 10G/512M Promo plan: 50% of 1 core

V3 CN2GIA 20G/1G Promo plan: 100% of 1 core

V3 CN2GIA 40G/2G Promo plan: 100% of 1 core + 50% of 2nd core

V3 CN2GIA 80G/4G Promo plan: 100% of 2 cores

V3 CN2GIA 160G/8G Promo plan: 100% of 3 cores

V3 CN2GIA 320G/16G Promo plan: 100% of 4 cores

再次, 普通CN2套餐:

V3 10G/512M Promo plan: 17% of 1 core

V3 20G/1G Promo plan: 25% of 1 core

V3 40G/2G Promo plan: 50% of 1 core

V3 80G/4G Promo plan: 100% of 1 core

V3 160G/8G Promo plan: 100% of 1 core + 50% of 2nd core

V3 320G/16G Promo plan: 100% of 2 cores


20G Plan: 50% of 1 core

40G Plan: 75% of 1 core

80G Plan: 100% of 1 core

160G Plan: 100% of 1 core + 50% of 2nd core

320G Plan: 100% of 2 cores

480G Plan: 100% of 3 cores


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