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Black Friday Shared Hosting Specials(虚拟主机)

70% one time discount on any new shared hosting order in any location when using coupon code bfshared2018


55% recurring discount on any new shared hosting order in any location when using coupon code bfshared2018r


Black Friday Cloud Web Hosting Specials(云虚拟主机)

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Black Friday Reseller Hosting Specials(分销主机)

60% one time discount on any new reseller hosting order in any location when using coupon code bfreseller2018


50% recurring discount on any new reseller hosting order in any location when using coupon code bfreseller2018r


Black Friday Semi-Dedicated Specials(半独立服务器)

70% one time discount on any new semi-dedicated hosting order in any location when using coupon code bfsd2018


55% recurring discount on any new semi-dedicated hosting order in any location when using coupon code bfsd2018r


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30% recurring discount on any new  cloud server order with an annual billing term in our Dallas, New York City, or Singapore locations when using coupon code bfcloudserver2018″*#7折为一次性折扣,续费原价

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Black Friday VPS Specials(VPS主机)

60% one time discount on any new VPS hosting order in Amsterdam or Los Angeles when using coupon code bfvps2018


45% recurring discount on any new VPS hosting order in Amsterdam or Los Angeles when using coupon code bfvps2018r



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