今天老 左在登录Linode传统面板后台的时候(我习惯且记住面板的入口地址),看到面板后台有一个警示提示,我还以为是哪里有一台服务器出现故障需要处理的,原来是通知我们以前一直在用的传统的Classic Manager面板将于2020年1月31日关闭,而全部采用新的云面板 Cloud Manager。其实蜗牛在\\”简单体验Linode主机商家新面板 – 创建和管理及相关应用\\”文章的时候就有体验过他们家云面板。
Our legacy Linode Manager will be decommissioned on January 31, 2020. After that time, you will be automatically redirected to the Cloud Manager when logging in to manage your infrastructure on Linode.
As a valued customer, we want to make this transition as smooth as possible. Many of the features currently available in Classic are available in the new Cloud Manager interface.
Longview monitoring is not currently available in Cloud Manager. Our plans are to transition this feature prior to January 2020. Additionally, we will continue to support APIv3 and the APIv3-based CLI beyond January 31, 2020.
There have been substantial updates to Cloud Manager since it was introduced back in 2014. Cloud Manager has many new features, including an updated look-and-feel, modern user-interface, mobile support, and easy access to our recently released products. It’s also implemented solely atop our public APIv4.
这里老 左(LAOZUO.ORG)和大家可以看到Linode商家将会全部取消老面板,以前是没有彻底的取消。所以,后面老 左有时间也会陆续整理Linode常用的新面板的文章,一来我自己也要熟悉,当然也是记录下来给大家看看。
我们可以看到新版本的Linode商家面板和旧版本差异还是比较大的,和老 左早些时候看到的也有不同,看来后面确实需要有文章来体验Linode服务器管理。
这篇文章老 左主要的目的是告诉大家,Linode商家旧的面板将会取消,我们要提前适应新的面板管理。
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