目前我们使用的VPS大多都是Linux系统,特别是国外VPS,支持Windows系统的VPS相对较少,而且即使支持选择Windows系统,但大多都要付费;从语言方面来讲基本都是英文版本,不太符合国人的使用要求,今天在此文章中蜗牛为大家分享一个“Linux VPS一键全自动DD安装Windows系统”的脚本,可以一键为自己的Linux VPS安装上Windows系统。优势是无限制全自动dd安装Windows系统,突破没有VNC、没有救援模式、内存比DD包小的限制,使用Debian Live CD中的busybox做中间媒介,经过复杂的处理使本机的网络参数传进Win操作系统中,即使没有DHCP能够让Windows获取网络参数,也能让Windows操作系统在开机的第一时间能够连通网络。
#Debian/Ubuntu系统一般自带,不用额外安装#RedHat/CentOS系统:yum install glibc-common
1、下面安装命令当中“[Windows dd包直连地址]”处请填写Windows DD包的直连地址,记得是直连地址哦,这个大家可以通过搜索引擎去找。
wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh \'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh\' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd \'[Windows dd包直连地址]\'#备用地址:wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh \'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wn789/xitong/master/InstallNET.sh\' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd \'[Windows dd包直连地址]\'
2、这里为大家提供的一个demo包(1.19G;已激活):https://moeclub.org/get-win7embx86-auto(是什么系统一看就知道了吧?),该包只添加了VirtIO驱动,理论上仅能在KVM,Hyper-V构架下正常运行,如需在其他虚拟化构架下运行,请自行添加相关虚拟化驱动。远程登陆账号为: Administrator,远程登陆密码为: Vicer。另外如果因此违反了TOS,VPS被禁止不承担任何责任。
①、下面是一键安装https://moeclub.org/get-win7embx86-auto DD包命令,运行后在你的机器上全新安装系统,我们可以通过VNC看到全部过程,但在DD的过程中,会卡在分区的界面上,不会走进度条,完成后将会自动重启。
wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh \'https://moeclub.org/attachment/LinuxShell/InstallNET.sh\' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd \'https://moeclub.org/get-win7embx86-auto\'#备用地址:wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh \'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wn789/xitong/master/InstallNET.sh\' && bash InstallNET.sh -dd \'https://moeclub.org/get-win7embx86-auto\'
# –ip-addr :IP Address/IP地址
# –ip-mask :Netmask /子网掩码
# –ip-gate :Gateway /网关
wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh \'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wn789/xitong/master/InstallNET.sh\' && bash InstallNET.sh --ip-addr X.X.X.X --ip-mask X.X.X.X --ip-gate X.X.X.X -dd \'https://moeclub.org/get-win7embx86-auto\'
1、更改用户的密码net user [用户名] [密码]2、激活 Administrator 账户net user Administrator /active:yes3、设置 Administrator 账户密码net user Administrator [新密码]4、添加用户net user [用户名] [密码] /add5、将用户添加至 Administrator 组net localgroup Administrators [用户名] /add6、删除用户net user [用户名] /del
#!/bin/bash ## It can reinstall Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS system with network.## Suitable for using by GRUB.## Default root password: Vicer## Blog: https://moeclub.org## Written By Vicer export tmpVER=\'\'export tmpDIST=\'\'export tmpURL=\'\'export tmpWORD=\'\'export tmpMirror=\'\'export tmpSSL=\'\'export tmpINS=\'\'export tmpFW=\'\'export ipAddr=\'\'export ipMask=\'\'export ipGate=\'\'export linuxdists=\'\'export ddMode=\'0\'export setNet=\'0\'export isMirror=\'0\'export FindDists=\'0\'export SpikCheckDIST=\'0\'export UNKNOWHW=\'0\'export UNVER=\'6.4\' while [[ $# -ge 1 ]]; do case $1 in -v|--ver) shift tmpVER=\"$1\" shift ;; -d|--debian) shift linuxdists=\'debian\' tmpDIST=\"$1\" shift ;; -u|--ubuntu) shift linuxdists=\'ubuntu\' tmpDIST=\"$1\" shift ;; -c|--centos) shift linuxdists=\'centos\' tmpDIST=\"$1\" shift ;; -dd|--image) shift ddMode=\'1\' tmpURL=\"$1\" shift ;; -p|--password) shift tmpWORD=\"$1\" shift ;; --ip-addr) shift ipAddr=\"$1\" shift ;; --ip-mask) shift ipMask=\"$1\" shift ;; --ip-gate) shift ipGate=\"$1\" shift ;; -a|--auto) shift tmpINS=\'auto\' ;; -m|--manual) shift tmpINS=\'manual\' ;; -apt|-yum|--mirror) shift isMirror=\'1\' tmpMirror=\"$1\" shift ;; -ssl) shift tmpSSL=\"$1\" shift ;; --firmware) shift tmpFW=\'1\' ;; *) if [[ \"$1\" != \'error\' ]]; then echo -ne \"\\nInvaild option: \'$1\'\\n\\n\"; fi echo -ne \" Usage:\\n\\tbash DebianNET.sh\\t-d/--debian [\\033[33m\\033[04mdists-name\\033[0m]\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t-u/--ubuntu [\\033[04mdists-name\\033[0m]\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t-c/--centos [\\033[33m\\033[04mdists-verison\\033[0m]\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t-v/--ver [32/\\033[33m\\033[04mi386\\033[0m|64/amd64]\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t--ip-addr/--ip-gate/--ip-mask\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t-apt/-yum/--mirror\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t-dd/--image\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t-a/--auto\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t-m/--manual\\n\" exit 1; ;; esac done [[ \"$EUID\" -ne \'0\' ]] && echo \"Error:This script must be run as root!\" && exit 1; function CheckDependence(){FullDependence=\'0\';for BIN_DEP in `echo \"$1\" |sed \'s/,/\\n/g\'` do if [[ -n \"$BIN_DEP\" ]]; then Founded=\'0\'; for BIN_PATH in `echo \"$PATH\" |sed \'s/:/\\n/g\'` do ls $BIN_PATH/$BIN_DEP >/dev/null 2>&1; if [ $? == \'0\' ]; then Founded=\'1\'; break; fi done if [ \"$Founded\" == \'1\' ]; then echo -en \"[\\033[32mok\\033[0m]\\t\"; else FullDependence=\'1\'; echo -en \"[\\033[31mNot Install\\033[0m]\"; fi echo -en \"\\t$BIN_DEP\\n\"; fi doneif [ \"$FullDependence\" == \'1\' ]; then echo -ne \"\\n\\033[31mError! \\033[0mPlease use \'\\033[33mapt-get\\033[0m\' or \'\\033[33myum\\033[0m\' install it.\\n\\n\\n\" exit 1;fi} if [[ -z \"$linuxdists\" ]]; then linuxdists=\'debian\';fi clear && echo -e \"\\n\\033[36m# Check Dependence\\033[0m\\n\" if [[ \"$ddMode\" == \'1\' ]]; then CheckDependence iconv; linuxdists=\'debian\'; tmpDIST=\'jessie\'; tmpVER=\'amd64\'; tmpINS=\'auto\';fi if [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'debian\' ]] || [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'ubuntu\' ]]; then CheckDependence wget,awk,grep,sed,cut,cat,cpio,gzip,find,dirname,basename;elif [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'centos\' ]]; then CheckDependence wget,awk,grep,sed,cut,cat,cpio,gzip,find,dirname,basename,file,xz;fi if [[ -n \"$tmpWORD\" ]]; then CheckDependence openssl;fi [[ -f \'/boot/grub/grub.cfg\' ]] && GRUBOLD=\'0\' && GRUBDIR=\'/boot/grub\' && GRUBFILE=\'grub.cfg\';[[ -z \"$GRUBDIR\" ]] && [[ -f \'/boot/grub2/grub.cfg\' ]] && GRUBOLD=\'0\' && GRUBDIR=\'/boot/grub2\' && GRUBFILE=\'grub.cfg\';[[ -z \"$GRUBDIR\" ]] && [[ -f \'/boot/grub/grub.conf\' ]] && GRUBOLD=\'1\' && GRUBDIR=\'/boot/grub\' && GRUBFILE=\'grub.conf\';[ -z \"$GRUBDIR\" -o -z \"$GRUBFILE\" ] && echo -ne \"Error! \\nNot Found grub path.\\n\" && exit 1; if [[ \"$isMirror\" == \'1\' ]]; then if [[ -n \"$tmpMirror\" ]]; then TMPMirrorHost=\"$(echo -n \"$tmpMirror\" |grep -Eo \'.*\\.(\\w+)\')\"; echo \"$TMPMirrorHost\" |grep -q \'://\'; if [[ $? == \'0\' ]]; then MirrorHost=\"$(echo \"$TMPMirrorHost\" |awk -F\'://\' \'{print $2}\')\"; else echo -en \"\\n\\033[31mInvaild Mirror! \\033[0m\\n\"; [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'debian\' ]] && echo -en \"\\033[33mexample:\\033[0m http://httpredir.debian.org/debian\\n\\n\"; [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'ubuntu\' ]] && echo -en \"\\033[33mexample:\\033[0m http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu\\n\\n\"; [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'centos\' ]] && echo -en \"\\033[33mexample:\\033[0m http://mirror.centos.org/centos\\n\\n\"; exit 1 fi if [[ -n \"$MirrorHost\" ]]; then MirrorFolder=\"$(echo -n \"$tmpMirror\" |awk -F\'\'${MirrorHost}\'\' \'{print $2}\' |sed \'s/\\/$//g\')\"; if [[ -z \"$MirrorFolder\" ]]; then [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'debian\' ]] && MirrorFolder=\'/debian\'; [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'ubuntu\' ]] && MirrorFolder=\'/ubuntu\'; [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'centos\' ]] && MirrorFolder=\'/centos\'; fi DISTMirror=\"${MirrorHost}${MirrorFolder}\"; fi fifi if [[ -z \"$DISTMirror\" ]]; then [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'debian\' ]] && MirrorHost=\'httpredir.debian.org\' && MirrorFolder=\'/debian\' && DISTMirror=\"${MirrorHost}${MirrorFolder}\"; [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'ubuntu\' ]] && MirrorHost=\'archive.ubuntu.com\' && MirrorFolder=\'/ubuntu\' && DISTMirror=\"${MirrorHost}${MirrorFolder}\"; [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'centos\' ]] && DISTMirror=\'vault.centos.org\';fi if [[ -n \"$tmpVER\" ]]; then tmpVER=\"$(echo \"$tmpVER\" |sed -r \'s/(.*)/\\L\\1/\')\"; if [[ \"$tmpVER\" == \'32\' ]] || [[ \"$tmpVER\" == \'i386\' ]] || [[ \"$tmpVER\" == \'x86\' ]]; then VER=\'i386\'; fi if [[ \"$tmpVER\" == \'64\' ]] || [[ \"$tmpVER\" == \'amd64\' ]] || [[ \"$tmpVER\" == \'x86_64\' ]] || [[ \"$tmpVER\" == \'x64\' ]]; then if [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'debian\' ]] || [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'ubuntu\' ]]; then VER=\'amd64\'; elif [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'centos\' ]]; then VER=\'x86_64\'; fi fifi if [[ -z \"$VER\" ]]; then VER=\'i386\';fi if [[ -z \"$tmpDIST\" ]]; then [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'debian\' ]] && DIST=\'jessie\'; [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'ubuntu\' ]] && DIST=\'xenial\'; [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'centos\' ]] && DIST=\'6.8\';fi if [[ -z \"$DIST\" ]]; then if [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'debian\' ]]; then SpikCheckDIST=\'0\' DIST=\"$(echo \"$tmpDIST\" |sed -r \'s/(.*)/\\L\\1/\')\"; echo \"$DIST\" |grep -q \'[0-9]\'; [[ $? -eq \'0\' ]] && { isDigital=\"$(echo \"$DIST\" |grep -o \'[\\.0-9]\\{1,\\}\' |sed -n \'1h;1!H;$g;s/\\n//g;$p\' |cut -d\'.\' -f1)\"; [[ -n $isDigital ]] && { [[ \"$isDigital\" == \'7\' ]] && DIST=\'wheezy\'; [[ \"$isDigital\" == \'8\' ]] && DIST=\'jessie\'; [[ \"$isDigital\" == \'9\' ]] && DIST=\'stretch\'; [[ \"$isDigital\" == \'10\' ]] && DIST=\'buster\'; } } fi if [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'ubuntu\' ]]; then SpikCheckDIST=\'0\' DIST=\"$(echo \"$tmpDIST\" |sed -r \'s/(.*)/\\L\\1/\')\"; echo \"$DIST\" |grep -q \'[0-9]\'; [[ $? -eq \'0\' ]] && { isDigital=\"$(echo \"$DIST\" |grep -o \'[\\.0-9]\\{1,\\}\' |sed -n \'1h;1!H;$g;s/\\n//g;$p\')\"; [[ -n $isDigital ]] && { [[ \"$isDigital\" == \'12.04\' ]] && DIST=\'precise\'; [[ \"$isDigital\" == \'14.04\' ]] && DIST=\'trusty\'; [[ \"$isDigital\" == \'16.04\' ]] && DIST=\'xenial\'; [[ \"$isDigital\" == \'18.04\' ]] && DIST=\'bionic\'; } } fi if [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'centos\' ]]; then SpikCheckDIST=\'1\' DISTCheck=\"$(echo \"$tmpDIST\" |grep -o \'[\\.0-9]\\{1,\\}\')\"; ListDIST=\"$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- \"http://$DISTMirror/dir_sizes\" |cut -f2 |grep \'^[0-9]\')\" DIST=\"$(echo \"$ListDIST\" |grep \"^$DISTCheck\")\" [[ -z \"$DIST\" ]] && { echo -ne \'\\nThe dists version not found in this mirror, Please check it! \\n\\n\' bash $0 error; exit 1; } wget --no-check-certificate -qO- \"http://$DISTMirror/$DIST/os/$VER/.treeinfo\" |grep -q \'general\'; [[ $? != \'0\' ]] && { echo -ne \"\\nThe version not found in this mirror, Please change mirror try again! \\n\\n\"; exit 1; } fifi if [[ \"$SpikCheckDIST\" == \'0\' ]]; then DistsList=\"$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- \"http://$DISTMirror/dists/\" |grep -o \'href=.*/\"\' |cut -d\'\"\' -f2 |sed \'/-\\|old\\|Debian\\|experimental\\|stable\\|test\\|sid\\|devel/d\' |grep \'^[^/]\' |sed -n \'1h;1!H;$g;s/\\n//g;s/\\//\\;/g;$p\')\"; for CheckDEB in `echo \"$DistsList\" |sed \'s/;/\\n/g\'` do [[ \"$CheckDEB\" == \"$DIST\" ]] && FindDists=\'1\'; [[ \"$FindDists\" == \'1\' ]] && break; done [[ \"$FindDists\" == \'0\' ]] && { echo -ne \'\\nThe dists version not found, Please check it! \\n\\n\' bash $0 error; exit 1; }fi [[ \"$ddMode\" == \'1\' ]] && { export SSL_SUPPORT=\'https://moeclub.org/get-wget_udeb_amd64\'; if [[ -n \"$tmpURL\" ]]; then DDURL=\"$tmpURL\" echo \"$DDURL\" |grep -q \'^http://\\|^ftp://\\|^https://\'; [[ $? -ne \'0\' ]] && echo \'Please input vaild URL,Only support http://, ftp:// and https:// !\' && exit 1; [[ -n \"$tmpSSL\" ]] && SSL_SUPPORT=\"$tmpSSL\"; else echo \'Please input vaild image URL! \'; exit 1; fi} [[ -n \"$tmpINS\" ]] && { [[ \"$tmpINS\" == \'auto\' ]] && inVNC=\'n\'; [[ \"$tmpINS\" == \'manual\' ]] && inVNC=\'y\';} [ -n \"$ipAddr\" ] && [ -n \"$ipMask\" ] && [ -n \"$ipGate\" ] && setNet=\'1\';[[ -n \"$tmpWORD\" ]] && myPASSWORD=\"$(openssl passwd -1 \"$tmpWORD\")\";[[ -z \"$myPASSWORD\" ]] && myPASSWORD=\'$1$0shYGfBd$8v189JOozDO1jPqPO645e1\';[[ -n \"$tmpFW\" ]] && INCFW=\"$tmpFW\";[[ -z \"$INCFW\" ]] && INCFW=\'0\'; clear && echo -e \"\\n\\033[36m# Install\\033[0m\\n\" ASKVNC(){ inVNC=\'y\'; [[ \"$ddMode\" == \'0\' ]] && { echo -ne \"\\033[34mCan you login VNC?\\033[0m\\e[33m[\\e[32my\\e[33m/n]\\e[0m \" read tmpinVNC [[ -n \"$inVNCtmp\" ]] && inVNC=\"$tmpinVNC\" } [ \"$inVNC\" == \'y\' -o \"$inVNC\" == \'Y\' ] && inVNC=\'y\'; [ \"$inVNC\" == \'n\' -o \"$inVNC\" == \'N\' ] && inVNC=\'n\';} [ \"$inVNC\" == \'y\' -o \"$inVNC\" == \'n\' ] || ASKVNC;[[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'debian\' ]] && LinuxName=\'Debian\';[[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'ubuntu\' ]] && LinuxName=\'Ubuntu\';[[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'centos\' ]] && LinuxName=\'CentOS\';[[ \"$ddMode\" == \'0\' ]] && { [[ \"$inVNC\" == \'y\' ]] && echo -e \"\\033[34mManual Mode\\033[0m insatll \\033[33m$LinuxName\\033[0m [\\033[33m$DIST\\033[0m] [\\033[33m$VER\\033[0m] in VNC. \" [[ \"$inVNC\" == \'n\' ]] && echo -e \"\\033[34mAuto Mode\\033[0m insatll \\033[33m$LinuxName\\033[0m [\\033[33m$DIST\\033[0m] [\\033[33m$VER\\033[0m]. \"}[[ \"$ddMode\" == \'1\' ]] && { echo -ne \"\\033[34mAuto Mode\\033[0m insatll \\033[33mWindows\\033[0m\\n[\\033[33m$DDURL\\033[0m]\\n\"} if [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'centos\' ]]; then if [[ \"$DIST\" != \"$UNVER\" ]]; then awk \'BEGIN{print \'${UNVER}\'-\'${DIST}\'}\' |grep -q \'^-\' if [ $? != \'0\' ]; then UNKNOWHW=\'1\'; echo -en \"\\033[33mThe version lower then \\033[31m$UNVER\\033[33m may not support in auto mode! \\033[0m\\n\"; if [[ \"$inVNC\" == \'n\' ]]; then echo -en \"\\033[35mYou can connect VNC with \\033[32mPublic IP\\033[35m and port \\033[32m1\\033[35m/\\033[32m5901\\033[35m in vnc viewer.\\033[0m\\n\" read -n 1 -p \"Press Enter to continue...\" INP [[ \"$INP\" != \'\' ]] && echo -ne \'\\b \\n\\n\'; fi fi awk \'BEGIN{print \'${UNVER}\'-\'${DIST}\'+0.59}\' |grep -q \'^-\' if [ $? == \'0\' ]; then echo -en \"\\n\\033[31mThe version higher then \\033[33m6.9 \\033[31mis not support in current! \\033[0m\\n\\n\" exit 1; fi fifi echo -e \"\\n[\\033[33m$LinuxName\\033[0m] [\\033[33m$DIST\\033[0m] [\\033[33m$VER\\033[0m] Downloading...\" [[ -z \"$DISTMirror\" ]] && echo -ne \"\\033[31mError! \\033[0mInvaild mirror! \\n\" && exit 1 if [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'debian\' ]] || [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'ubuntu\' ]]; thenwget --no-check-certificate -qO \'/boot/initrd.img\' \"http://$DISTMirror/dists/$DIST/main/installer-$VER/current/images/netboot/$linuxdists-installer/$VER/initrd.gz\"[[ $? -ne \'0\' ]] && echo -ne \"\\033[31mError! \\033[0mDownload \'initrd.img\' for \\033[33m$linuxdists\\033[0m failed! \\n\" && exit 1wget --no-check-certificate -qO \'/boot/vmlinuz\' \"http://$DISTMirror/dists/$DIST/main/installer-$VER/current/images/netboot/$linuxdists-installer/$VER/linux\"[[ $? -ne \'0\' ]] && echo -ne \"\\033[31mError! \\033[0mDownload \'vmlinuz\' for \\033[33m$linuxdists\\033[0m failed! \\n\" && exit 1elif [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'centos\' ]]; thenwget --no-check-certificate -qO \'/boot/initrd.img\' \"http://$DISTMirror/$DIST/os/$VER/isolinux/initrd.img\"[[ $? -ne \'0\' ]] && echo -ne \"\\033[31mError! \\033[0mDownload \'initrd.img\' for \\033[33m$linuxdists\\033[0m failed! \\n\" && exit 1wget --no-check-certificate -qO \'/boot/vmlinuz\' \"http://$DISTMirror/$DIST/os/$VER/isolinux/vmlinuz\"[[ $? -ne \'0\' ]] && echo -ne \"\\033[31mError! \\033[0mDownload \'vmlinuz\' for \\033[33m$linuxdists\\033[0m failed! \\n\" && exit 1fiif [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'debian\' ]]; then if [[ \"$INCFW\" == \'1\' ]]; then wget --no-check-certificate -qO \'/boot/firmware.cpio.gz\' \"http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/firmware/$DIST/current/firmware.cpio.gz\" [[ $? -ne \'0\' ]] && echo -ne \"\\033[31mError! \\033[0mDownload \'firmware\' for \\033[33m$linuxdists\\033[0m failed! \\n\" && exit 1 fifi [[ \"$setNet\" == \'1\' ]] && { IPv4=\"$ipAddr\"; MASK=\"$ipMask\"; GATE=\"$ipGate\";} || { DEFAULTNET=\"$(ip route show |grep -o \'default via [0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.*\' |head -n1 |sed \'s/proto.*\\|onlink.*//g\' |awk \'{print $NF}\')\"; [[ -n \"$DEFAULTNET\" ]] && IPSUB=\"$(ip addr |grep \'\'${DEFAULTNET}\'\' |grep \'global\' |grep \'brd\' |head -n1 |grep -o \'[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}/[0-9]\\{1,2\\}\')\"; IPv4=\"$(echo -n \"$IPSUB\" |cut -d\'/\' -f1)\"; NETSUB=\"$(echo -n \"$IPSUB\" |grep -o \'/[0-9]\\{1,2\\}\')\"; GATE=\"$(ip route show |grep -o \'default via [0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}\' |head -n1 |grep -o \'[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}\')\"; [[ -n \"$NETSUB\" ]] && MASK=\"$(echo -n \',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,\' |grep -o \'[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}\'${NETSUB}\'\' |cut -d\'/\' -f1)\";} [[ -n \"$GATE\" ]] && [[ -n \"$MASK\" ]] && [[ -n \"$IPv4\" ]] || {echo \"Not found `ip command`, It will use `route command`.\"ipNum() { local IFS=\'.\'; read ip1 ip2 ip3 ip4 <<<\"$1\"; echo $((ip1*(1<<24)+ip2*(1<<16)+ip3*(1<<8)+ip4)); } SelectMax(){ ii=0; for IPITEM in `route -n |awk -v OUT=$1 \'{print $OUT}\' |grep \'[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}\'` do NumTMP=\"$(ipNum $IPITEM)\"; eval \"arrayNum[$ii]=\'$NumTMP,$IPITEM\'\"; ii=$[$ii+1]; done echo ${arrayNum[@]} |sed \'s/\\s/\\n/g\' |sort -n -k 1 -t \',\' |tail -n1 |cut -d\',\' -f2; } [[ -z $IPv4 ]] && IPv4=\"$(ifconfig |grep \'Bcast\' |head -n1 |grep -o \'[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}.[0-9]\\{1,3\\}\' |head -n1)\"; [[ -z $GATE ]] && GATE=\"$(SelectMax 2)\"; [[ -z $MASK ]] && MASK=\"$(SelectMax 3)\"; [[ -n \"$GATE\" ]] && [[ -n \"$MASK\" ]] && [[ -n \"$IPv4\" ]] || { echo \"Error! Not configure network. \"; exit 1; } } [[ \"$setNet\" != \'1\' ]] && [[ -f \'/etc/network/interfaces\' ]] && { [[ -z \"$(sed -n \'/iface.*inet static/p\' /etc/network/interfaces)\" ]] && AutoNet=\'1\' || AutoNet=\'0\'; [[ -d /etc/network/interfaces.d ]] && { ICFGN=\"$(find /etc/network/interfaces.d -name \'*.cfg\' |wc -l)\" || ICFGN=\'0\'; [[ \"$ICFGN\" -ne \'0\' ]] && { for NetCFG in `ls -1 /etc/network/interfaces.d/*.cfg` do [[ -z \"$(cat $NetCFG | sed -n \'/iface.*inet static/p\')\" ]] && AutoNet=\'1\' || AutoNet=\'0\'; [[ \"$AutoNet\" -eq \'0\' ]] && break; done } } } [[ \"$setNet\" != \'1\' ]] && [[ -d \'/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts\' ]] && { ICFGN=\"$(find /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts -name \'ifcfg-*\' |grep -v \'lo\'|wc -l)\" || ICFGN=\'0\'; [[ \"$ICFGN\" -ne \'0\' ]] && { for NetCFG in `ls -1 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* |grep -v \'lo$\' |grep -v \':[0-9]\\{1,\\}\'` do [[ -n \"$(cat $NetCFG | sed -n \'/BOOTPROTO.*[dD][hH][cC][pP]/p\')\" ]] && AutoNet=\'1\' || { AutoNet=\'0\' && . $NetCFG; [[ -n $NETMASK ]] && MASK=\"$NETMASK\"; [[ -n $GATEWAY ]] && GATE=\"$GATEWAY\"; } [[ \"$AutoNet\" -eq \'0\' ]] && break; done } } [[ ! -f $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE ]] && echo \"Error! Not Found $GRUBFILE. \" && exit 1; [[ ! -f $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE.old ]] && [[ -f $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE.bak ]] && mv -f $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE.bak $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE.old; mv -f $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE.bak; [[ -f $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE.old ]] && cat $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE.old >$GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE || cat $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE.bak >$GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE; [[ \"$GRUBOLD\" == \'0\' ]] && { READGRUB=\'/tmp/grub.read\' cat $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE |sed -n \'1h;1!H;$g;s/\\n/%%%%%%%/g;$p\' |grep -om 1 \'menuentry\\ [^{]*{[^}]*}%%%%%%%\' |sed \'s/%%%%%%%/\\n/g\' >$READGRUB LoadNum=\"$(cat $READGRUB |grep -c \'menuentry \')\" if [[ \"$LoadNum\" -eq \'1\' ]]; then cat $READGRUB |sed \'/^$/d\' >/tmp/grub.new; elif [[ \"$LoadNum\" -gt \'1\' ]]; then CFG0=\"$(awk \'/menuentry /{print NR}\' $READGRUB|head -n 1)\"; CFG2=\"$(awk \'/menuentry /{print NR}\' $READGRUB|head -n 2 |tail -n 1)\"; CFG1=\"\"; for tmpCFG in `awk \'/}/{print NR}\' $READGRUB` do [ \"$tmpCFG\" -gt \"$CFG0\" -a \"$tmpCFG\" -lt \"$CFG2\" ] && CFG1=\"$tmpCFG\"; done [[ -z \"$CFG1\" ]] && { echo \"Error! read $GRUBFILE. \"; exit 1; } sed -n \"$CFG0,$CFG1\"p $READGRUB >/tmp/grub.new; [[ -f /tmp/grub.new ]] && [[ \"$(grep -c \'{\' /tmp/grub.new)\" -eq \"$(grep -c \'}\' /tmp/grub.new)\" ]] || { echo -ne \"\\033[31mError! \\033[0mNot configure $GRUBFILE. \\n\"; exit 1; } fi [ ! -f /tmp/grub.new ] && echo \"Error! $GRUBFILE. \" && exit 1; sed -i \"/menuentry.*/c\\menuentry\\ \\\'Install OS \\[$DIST\\ $VER\\]\\\'\\ --class debian\\ --class\\ gnu-linux\\ --class\\ gnu\\ --class\\ os\\ \\{\" /tmp/grub.new sed -i \"/echo.*Loading/d\" /tmp/grub.new; INSERTGRUB=\"$(awk \'/menuentry /{print NR}\' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE|head -n 1)\"} [[ \"$GRUBOLD\" == \'1\' ]] && { CFG0=\"$(awk \'/title[\\ ]|title[\\t]/{print NR}\' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE|head -n 1)\"; CFG1=\"$(awk \'/title[\\ ]|title[\\t]/{print NR}\' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE|head -n 2 |tail -n 1)\"; [[ -n $CFG0 ]] && [ -z $CFG1 -o $CFG1 == $CFG0 ] && sed -n \"$CFG0,$\"p $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE >/tmp/grub.new; [[ -n $CFG0 ]] && [ -z $CFG1 -o $CFG1 != $CFG0 ] && sed -n \"$CFG0,$[$CFG1-1]\"p $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE >/tmp/grub.new; [[ ! -f /tmp/grub.new ]] && echo \"Error! configure append $GRUBFILE. \" && exit 1; sed -i \"/title.*/c\\title\\ \\\'Install OS \\[$DIST\\ $VER\\]\\\'\" /tmp/grub.new; sed -i \'/^#/d\' /tmp/grub.new; INSERTGRUB=\"$(awk \'/title[\\ ]|title[\\t]/{print NR}\' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE|head -n 1)\"} [[ -n \"$(grep \'linux.*/\\|kernel.*/\' /tmp/grub.new |awk \'{print $2}\' |tail -n 1 |grep \'^/boot/\')\" ]] && Type=\'InBoot\' || Type=\'NoBoot\'; LinuxKernel=\"$(grep \'linux.*/\\|kernel.*/\' /tmp/grub.new |awk \'{print $1}\' |head -n 1)\";[[ -z \"$LinuxKernel\" ]] && echo \"Error! read grub config! \" && exit 1;LinuxIMG=\"$(grep \'initrd.*/\' /tmp/grub.new |awk \'{print $1}\' |tail -n 1)\";[ -z \"$LinuxIMG\" ] && sed -i \"/$LinuxKernel.*\\//a\\\\\\tinitrd\\ \\/\" /tmp/grub.new && LinuxIMG=\'initrd\'; if [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'debian\' ]] || [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'ubuntu\' ]]; then BOOT_OPTION=\"auto=true hostname=$linuxdists domain= -- quiet\"elif [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'centos\' ]]; then BOOT_OPTION=\"ks=file://ks.cfg ksdevice=link\"fi [[ \"$Type\" == \'InBoot\' ]] && { sed -i \"/$LinuxKernel.*\\//c\\\\\\t$LinuxKernel\\\\t\\/boot\\/vmlinuz $BOOT_OPTION\" /tmp/grub.new; sed -i \"/$LinuxIMG.*\\//c\\\\\\t$LinuxIMG\\\\t\\/boot\\/initrd.img\" /tmp/grub.new;} [[ \"$Type\" == \'NoBoot\' ]] && { sed -i \"/$LinuxKernel.*\\//c\\\\\\t$LinuxKernel\\\\t\\/vmlinuz $BOOT_OPTION\" /tmp/grub.new; sed -i \"/$LinuxIMG.*\\//c\\\\\\t$LinuxIMG\\\\t\\/initrd.img\" /tmp/grub.new;} sed -i \'$a\\\\n\' /tmp/grub.new; [[ \"$inVNC\" == \'n\' ]] && {GRUBPATCH=\'0\'; [ -f \'/etc/network/interfaces\' -o -d \'/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts\' ] || { echo \"Error, Not found interfaces config.\"; exit 1;} sed -i \'\'${INSERTGRUB}\'i\\\\n\' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE;sed -i \'\'${INSERTGRUB}\'r /tmp/grub.new\' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE;[[ -f $GRUBDIR/grubenv ]] && sed -i \'s/saved_entry/#saved_entry/g\' $GRUBDIR/grubenv; [[ -d /boot/tmp ]] && rm -rf /boot/tmp;mkdir -p /boot/tmp;cd /boot/tmp;if [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'debian\' ]] || [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'ubuntu\' ]]; then COMPTYPE=\"gzip\";elif [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'centos\' ]]; then COMPTYPE=\"$(file /boot/initrd.img |grep -o \':.*compressed data\' |cut -d\' \' -f2 |sed -r \'s/(.*)/\\L\\1/\' |head -n1)\" [[ -z \"$COMPTYPE\" ]] && echo \"Detect compressed type fail.\" && exit 1;fiCompDected=\'0\'for ListCOMP in `echo -en \'gzip\\nlzma\\nxz\'` do if [[ \"$COMPTYPE\" == \"$ListCOMP\" ]]; then CompDected=\'1\' if [[ \"$COMPTYPE\" == \'gzip\' ]]; then NewIMG=\"initrd.img.gz\" else NewIMG=\"initrd.img.$COMPTYPE\" fi mv -f \"/boot/initrd.img\" \"/boot/$NewIMG\" break; fi done[[ \"$CompDected\" != \'1\' ]] && echo \"Detect compressed type not support.\" && exit 1;[[ \"$COMPTYPE\" == \'lzma\' ]] && UNCOMP=\'xz --format=lzma --decompress\';[[ \"$COMPTYPE\" == \'xz\' ]] && UNCOMP=\'xz --decompress\';[[ \"$COMPTYPE\" == \'gzip\' ]] && UNCOMP=\'gzip -d\'; $UNCOMP < ../$NewIMG | cpio --extract --verbose --make-directories --no-absolute-filenames >>/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'debian\' ]] || [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'ubuntu\' ]]; thencat >/boot/tmp/preseed.cfg<>/dev/null 2>&1} [[ \"$ddMode\" == \'1\' ]] && {WinDHCP(){ echo -ne \"@ECHO OFF\\r\\ncd\\040\\057d\\040\\042\\045ProgramData\\045\\057Microsoft\\057Windows\\057Start\\040Menu\\057Programs\\057Startup\\042\\r\\ndel\\040\\057f\\040\\057q\\040net\\056bat\\r\\n\\r\\n\" >\'/boot/tmp/net.tmp\';}WinNoDHCP(){ echo -ne \"@ECHO OFF\\r\\ncd\\056\\076\\045windir\\045\\GetAdmin\\r\\nif\\040exist\\040\\045windir\\045\\GetAdmin\\040\\050del\\040\\057f\\040\\057q\\040\\042\\045windir\\045\\GetAdmin\\042\\051\\040else\\040\\050\\r\\necho\\040CreateObject^\\050\\042Shell\\056Application\\042^\\051\\056ShellExecute\\040\\042\\045~s0\\042\\054\\040\\042\\045\\052\\042\\054\\040\\042\\042\\054\\040\\042runas\\042\\054\\040\\061\\040\\076\\076\\040\\042\\045temp\\045\\Admin\\056vbs\\042\\r\\n\\042\\045temp\\045\\Admin\\056vbs\\042\\r\\ndel\\040\\057f\\040\\057q\\040\\042\\045temp\\045\\Admin\\056vbs\\042\\r\\nexit\\040\\057b\\040\\062\\051\\r\\nfor\\040\\057f\\040\\042tokens=\\063\\052\\042\\040\\045\\045i\\040in\\040\\050\\047netsh\\040interface\\040show\\040interface\\040^|more\\040+3\\040^|findstr\\040\\057R\\040\\042\\u672c\\u5730\\056\\052\\040\\u4ee5\\u592a\\056\\052\\040Local\\056\\052\\040Ethernet\\042\\047\\051\\040do\\040\\050set\\040EthName=\\045\\045j\\051\\r\\nnetsh\\040-c\\040interface\\040ip\\040set\\040address\\040name=\\042\\045EthName\\045\\042\\040source=static\\040address=$IPv4\\040mask=$MASK\\040gateway=$GATE\\r\\nnetsh\\040-c\\040interface\\040ip\\040add\\040dnsservers\\040name=\\042\\045EthName\\045\\042\\040address=\\070\\056\\070\\056\\070\\056\\070\\040index=1\\040validate=no\\r\\nnetsh\\040-c\\040interface\\040ip\\040add\\040dnsservers\\040name=\\042\\045EthName\\045\\042\\040address=\\070\\056\\070\\056\\064\\056\\064\\040index=2\\040validate=no\\r\\ncd\\040\\057d\\040\\042\\045ProgramData\\045\\057Microsoft\\057Windows\\057Start\\040Menu\\057Programs\\057Startup\\042\\r\\ndel\\040\\057f\\040\\057q\\040net\\056bat\\r\\n\\r\\n\" >\'/boot/tmp/net.tmp\';} [[ \"$setNet\" == \'1\' ]] && WinNoDHCP; [[ \"$setNet\" == \'0\' ]] && { [[ \"$AutoNet\" -eq \'1\' ]] && WinDHCP; [[ \"$AutoNet\" -eq \'0\' ]] && WinNoDHCP; } iconv -f \'UTF-8\' -t \'GBK\' \'/boot/tmp/net.tmp\' -o \'/boot/tmp/net.bat\' rm -rf \'/boot/tmp/net.tmp\' echo \"$DDURL\" |grep -q \'^https://\' [[ $? -eq \'0\' ]] && { echo -ne \'\\nAdd ssl support...\\n\' [[ -n $SSL_SUPPORT ]] && { wget --no-check-certificate -qO- \"$SSL_SUPPORT\" |tar -x [[ ! -f /boot/tmp/usr/bin/wget ]] && echo \'Error! SSL_SUPPORT.\' && exit 1; sed -i \'s/wget\\ -qO-/\\/usr\\/bin\\/wget\\ --no-check-certificate\\ --retry-connrefused\\ --tries=7\\ --continue\\ -qO-/g\' /boot/tmp/preseed.cfg [[ $? -eq \'0\' ]] && echo -ne \'Success! \\n\\n\' } || { echo -ne \'Not ssl support package! \\n\\n\'; exit 1; } }} [[ \"$ddMode\" == \'0\' ]] && { sed -i \'/anna-install/d\' /boot/tmp/preseed.cfg sed -i \'s/wget.*\\/sbin\\/reboot\\;\\ //g\' /boot/tmp/preseed.cfg} elif [[ \"$linuxdists\" == \'centos\' ]]; thencat >/boot/tmp/ks.cfg< ../initrd.img; rm -rf /boot/tmp; } [[ \"$inVNC\" == \'y\' ]] && { sed -i \'$i\\\\n\' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE sed -i \'$r /tmp/grub.new\' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE echo -e \"\\n\\033[33m\\033[04mIt will reboot! \\nPlease look at VNC! \\nSelect\\033[0m\\033[32m Install OS [$DIST $VER] \\033[33m\\033[4mto install system.\\033[04m\\n\\n\\033[31m\\033[04mThere is some information for you.\\nDO NOT CLOSE THE WINDOW! \\033[0m\\n\" echo -e \"\\033[35mIPv4\\t\\tNETMASK\\t\\tGATEWAY\\033[0m\" echo -e \"\\033[36m\\033[04m$IPv4\\033[0m\\t\\033[36m\\033[04m$MASK\\033[0m\\t\\033[36m\\033[04m$GATE\\033[0m\\n\\n\" read -n 1 -p \"Press Enter to reboot...\" INP [[ \"$INP\" != \'\' ]] && echo -ne \'\\b \\n\\n\'; } chown root:root $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE chmod 444 $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE sleep 3 && reboot >/dev/null 2>&1
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