卡尔云 大网数据--高防低价服务器抢购 低至28/月十堰4-4就在零零陆云计算 金华高防物理机 40H64G 30M 158/月 819云计算香港20MCN2 300元/月
林枫云-专注独立IP高频VPS 低价高性价比—迅速云 GoDo云计算韩国物理机低至299元/月 龍行数据:美国100M服务器 299元/月 络V云计算:新加坡100M服务器 1200元/月
CNMCDN防护稳定又实惠 轻松云:美国200兆VPS16元/月 亦宁云200M大带宽 动态BGP低至35/月 低价高效上云-道之云网络 【科御云】香港CDN、延迟低速度快防御高

#补货时间#高品质美国CN2VPS 512M内存套餐将在2018年1月17日补货





Due to higher than usual demand, we are running out of room at multiple locations.

Throughout December 2017 we are deploying additional equipment to support the increased growth; our anticipated restock date is January 17, though this may change – we are already observing shipping delays due to U.S. and Canadian holiday seasons. Feel free to check with us around January 12 for more exact date.

Currently we have the following plan in stock:

It is more expensive than our $19.99/yr plan, however it comes with CN2 (enterprise) uplink. If you use China Telecom as your internet service provider, I am sure you will appreciate lower latency and better data transfer speeds over CN2 line.

If you decide to order the new CN2 plan, note that you will not be able to select any location besides Los Angeles during the ordering process. However after your VPS is activated, you can migrate it to any other datacenter (just like a regular $19.99 plan) by using KiwiVM control panel.

Thank you.

未经允许不得转载:沃园 » #补货时间#高品质美国CN2VPS 512M内存套餐将在2018年1月17日补货

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